Looking for business-oriented recommendations and clear answers to the challenging questions of the Digital Era?

Making a tricky investment or commercial deal in digital, media, or high-tech and seeking strong legal support?

Going to optimize and digitalize your business processes from procurement procedures to legal department work? 

We will be happy to assist you with all of these and many other tasks.

Just push the START button.

About us

Who we are

Novozhilov.Digital is a Moscow-based modern legal boutique specializing in digital law, intangible assets, and high technology issues.


The founder and managing partner is Roland Novozhilov, a graduate of the law faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University with more than 15 years of experience in intellectual property protection, legal support for media, IT, and telecom businesses, and assistance with hi-tech transactions.


In addition to various team rankings of international and Russian law firms, Roland was personally recognized by the Best Lawyers, IP Stars, and Pravo.ru-300.

How we work

For each client project, we involve an appopriate team of professionals, many of whom have worked in large Russian and foreign companies over the past 20 years and are generally recognized as specialists with unique expertise in various areas, including tax law and currency regulation, which are in demand in modern technologies.


We also collaborate with other firms on joint client projects where highly specialized knowledge and a synergistic approach are required to seek and find solutions.


Information on our key partners will be  presented on our website and included into commercial proposals for our clients.

What we do

We are happy to advise our clients and assist with transactions in the hi-tech and digital sectors, as well as in the media, entertainment, and telecom industries.


We enthusiastically support business sharks in becoming business angels, and start-up companies in becoming high-end brands. Thanks to our efforts, some protect their investments, while others protect their dream projects; however, above all, we consistently help our clients protect intellectual property assets that are key for their businesses.


For more information on how and where we can be useful, please see our "Services" section.

Why choose us

Unlike many big law firms, which are forced to work in an assembly line mode and which, as a consequence, might sometimes be unable to delve deeply into the actual problems of client tasks, we at Novozhilov.Digital do everything to ensure that the consultants involved in the project can give you as much time and attention as necessary for getting a clear understanding of the needs of your business and elaborating a tailored solution of your issue on that basis.


We do believe that a personal and subtle approach is an indicator of premium service, and that it also forms a positive client experience and encourages the parties' cooperation for a long time perspective.


A selection of some remarkable projects completed for various industies and in different forms.

Sberbank and its subsidiaries

Legal support of several large-scale M&A transactions related to Internet services, media, and high technology, including artificial intelligence technologies, which eventually contributed to the expansion and development of the client's unique ecosystem.

Bookmate, Zvooq, Сlover, other IT companies

Legal assistance in carrying out corporate reorganizations in multiple jurisdictions; support of investment projects; drafting and conducting negotiations when entering into convertible loans, SHA, SPA, etc.; general legal support of business activities.

A consortium of

Russian banks

Legal support in the course of structuring, drafting, multistage negotiating, and further signing of a 7-party package deal subject to English law, which finally made it possible to elaborate and implement a new Russian interbank IT system.

Energy, oil & gas companies

Advising on the tricky moments of exploitation and legal protection of artificial intelligence, machine learning, virtual and augmented reality technologies by various instruments of Russian law and laws of several foreign jurisdictions. 

Netflix, Spotify,

other global companies

Advising on the specifics of the Russian entertainment industry and on the variety of legal issues related to multimedia streaming through various online services, which at some point helped our clients successfully enter the Russian market.


Institute of Technology

Analyzing risks and mitigation measures arising from the cooperation between MIT and the Skolkovo Foundation, including specific risks related to activities of Russian research institutes, formalization of rights to works for hire, and technology transfer.

Pavel Lungin


Legal support of the international production of a motion picture at various stages: from the script development and investment agreement preparation to support of the shooting process in Israel with the participation of Russian, Israeli and Hollywood actors.

ADG Group,

other Russian companies

Optimization of managerial and other business processes, including tender procedures and contract management; also implementation and maintenance of an internal system of corporate control over compliance with the top management decisions.

A PPP with the Ministry of Industry & Trade of Russia

Legal support in the course of development, implementation, and further exploitation of an integrated IT infrastructure designed for launching and operating the consumer goods track & trace system in Russia and the EAEU countries.


No information posted on this website can be considered an offer. The scope and costs of our services are discussed with each client personally. 


Advising on various legal aspects of intellectual property protection, media industry, information, digital, and high technologies, including government regulation in these areas, personal data protection, and e-commerce specifics.


Our ability to speak the same language with the clients and their comfort are priorities for us; therefore, we apply a hybrid approach to the consultation format.


For instance, a large amount of the conclusions that have been reached can be presented to you in a tabular or graphical form, while brief advice can be submitted in the body of an email to save time and costs of the strict legal formatting.


Legal support of your commercial and intellectual property (IP) transactions in the digital, media, and technology areas, for example:


—works and services

—commission and agency

—supply and distribution

—licensing and franchising

—pledge of IP rights

—assignment of IP rights


Assistance with the deal structuring, drafting the transaction documents, participating in negotiations, agreeing upon corrections and amending the documents accordingly, as well as assistance with the signing procedure and further registration of IP rights disposal or transfer.


Support for investors and companies raising funds through investment or corporate deals, such as:


—M&A deals

—venture capital deals

—private equity and direct investments

—convertible loans

—investment loans

—joint ventures

—simple partnerships


Assistance in agreeing upon the term sheets, deal structuring, carrying out due diligence, drafting the transaction documents, participating in negotiations, agreeing upon corrections and amending the documents as agreed, as well as assistance with the signing procedure.


Legal support in the course of creation and further exploitation of complex IP objects (including videos, films, series, and theatrical performances).


Advising TV channels, producers, agencies, online platforms, theaters, other organizers, commissioners, and authors of complex objects on the nuances of emergence, transfer, and clearance of IP rights, as well as on the verification of chains of title to complex objects and their monetization.


Help in preparing and signing deals with commissioners, investors, key members of the production or creative teams, as well as help in developing standard templates of agreements with other participants of the creation process.

IP Check-up

A complex of services for conducting a general legal health check of your intellectual property.


Revising your registered and unregistered, duly recorded, unrecorded and previously unidentified IP and other intangible assets, todether with the relevant business processes and company regulations.


Analyzing and assessing the identified risks and providing recommendations for their mitigation, which may include development of certain documentation, adjustment of the company regulations, searches among already registered IP and applications filed for registration in the name of third parties, as well as further registration actions on behalf of the client.

Compliance Check-up

A complex of services for conducting a compliance health check of your business in certain areas.


Revising current business processes and company regulations in terms of ensuring compliance with the regulatory and internal company requirements in the digital, media, and technology areas, including the requirements set forth under the personal data law and a massive corpus of the legislation on information.


Analyzing and assessing the identified risks and providing recommendations for their mitigation, including development of documentation (e.g., the corporate ethics code, compliance policies, the personal data processing policy, etc.) and adjustment of the company regulations.


A complex of legal support services in the process of preparing and launching your Internet project.


Elaborating a legal model, selecting the appropriate corporate and contractual structures for the implementation of the project, formalizing relations between the founders and with initial investors.


Developing the relevant project documentation, including policies and terms of use of the project and its online resources.


Assisting with the registration of domain names and trademarks, including searches among already registered trademarks and filed applications of third parties, as well as registration actions on behalf of the client.

Subscription Services

Subscription to legal service packages that are pre-bundled personally for you and are subject to your final approval.


Based on your business needs and our specialization, we will be happy to create your individualized service packages so you can subscribe to them on a regular basis.


We see potential in "as a Service" subscriptions that we partially speak about below. The list of the included services is approximate and will be formed for each client individually.


In case you regularly order certain services outside of your active subscription, we will be happy to discuss the inclusion of such services in your personal subscription.

Head of Legal

as a Service

Your Head of Legal Department by subscription.


Organizing the legal function from zero or entry level. Elaborating and launching legal business processes, standardizing frequently used documents together with developing uniform and easy-to-fill templates, assistance in implementing electronic document flow, as well as in hiring employees to the legal department.


Managing your legal department and project teams of your outside counsel on a remote basis.

Head of Contracts

as a Service

Your Head of Contract Management by subscription.


Revising current procedures and company regulations of contract management. Proposing our measures for the relevant business process optimization (as a common example: by way of reconsidering and reducing the multiround and often redundant process of internal contract approval).


Managing the department and contract administration procedures on a remote basis, as well as assisting with electronic document flow.



Various LegalTech, LawTech, and LegalDesign services.


For instance, developing documents that could favorably compare with the Soviet legal heritage due to their logical structure, absence of repetitive spell phrases, and modern legal design (including multilayer IP licensing and franchising agreements as well as easily customizable by the parties Lego-style agreements).


We also support our clients in the process of selection and further implementation of digital legal solutions.



Various services for translating from Russian into English and vice versa.


Developing bilingual contracts and other complex documents from scratch or on the basis of an existing text in one of the languages.


Reviewing and correcting previously prepared translations, as well as creating bilingual documents based on them.


Assistance in negotiating the terms of bilingual contracts where each party uses only one of the languages.